About Dr. Karin Nealon, D.C.
With a passion for helping people, Dr. Karin Nealon has been practicing in healthcare for three decades. Inspired by her search for holistic care during the early struggles of motherhood, she refined her expertise to specifically support feeding issues in infants, children who are experiencing struggles, the perinatal period of life, and challenging health issues. She has become known for her skills helping parents navigate the critical first few months of life with a newborn.
Seeing new and growing families is what she loves best, especially in that time of life when the breast/chest feeding relationship starts. She has witnessed a rise in complicated feeding issues over the course of her career, and in response to this upward trend, she prioritized her continuing education to become a Certified Lactation Counselor. Dr. Karin is scheduled to sit the exam in 2025 to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
In addition to her focus on lactation, she completed training in sensory integration and integrative listening therapy. Sensory integration training assists in identifying the unique perspective and processing of an individual’s surroundings, providing a gentle approach to treatment. In combination with chiropractic care and craniosacral, listening therapy helps patients reset and calm their nervous systems.
When she is not treating patients, you can find her hiking with her family and their dog Rootbeer, sewing and crafting, dancing in her car at red lights, and roller skating.

About La Luna Natural Health
La Luna Natural Health was originally founded in 2014 in San Diego, California by Dr. Karin Nealon to provide personalized holistic care to help families achieve optimal health and wellness. Dr. Karin relocated her practice to Issaquah, Washington in 2017, and to Camas, Washington in 2024. With each move came new challenges and improvements that helped Dr. Karin refine her areas of focus. Her practice has evolved over the years, always with a focus on prioritizing personalized care.
We take great pride in supporting our patients on their journey to health and we work together with and refer to other complimentary practitioners and traditional medical providers to deliver the best care for our patients. Our objective is to give children and adults the best opportunity to successfully develop, grow, and thrive. While many of the patients we see are in an "acute phase of care", we treat people of all ages and conditions. It is an honor to be part of your health and wellness and we look forward to supporting your needs.
If you have any questions or are interested in establishing care at La Luna Natural Health, feel free to reach out using the button below!
Words from Dr. Karin
One of my favorite things about my job is the opportunity to spend more time during each visit compared to the tight schedules required in managed care. I get to get on the floor with children and play and develop a rapport with them before we do anything else. This allows me to get to know your child’s personality, gain their trust, understand their preferences, look at their nervous system, and monitor their body mechanics – all to provide a truly holistic approach to determine their best healthcare options.
It is my pleasure to work with other providers including pediatricians, dentists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech language pathologists and other specialists. I consider myself a member of your child’s care team, and as a team we can provide the best care working together from different perspectives. I work with you to create a village of support for your family.
Dr. Karin's love for science began when she was young and continued to grow. After graduating magna cum laude with a degree in Biology from Long Island University, she went on to become a Fulbright Scholar researching ethnobotany in Australia. Upon returning to the United States, she maintained her diverse background in science and healthcare, from running a microbiology lab, to being a night shift EMT, to working in clinical healthcare trials.
Dr. Karin’s experiences in research and traditional healthcare inspired in her a keen interest to help prevent illnesses and achieve tangible results and better health for her patients. This led her to pursue graduate school at the University of Western States to become a Chiropractic Physician. While in the program she birthed two of her three wonderful children. The experience of birth and motherhood, as well as the challenges of managing food allergies, focused her field of interest in caring for children, perinatal support, and parenthood.
Her education, training, and personal motherhood experiences over the past 30 years have afforded Dr. Karin with the knowledge and first-hand experiences to provide compassionate, evidence-based healthcare to her patient population.